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Kenyon College

kenyon_smallPage Updated: December 17, 2015

Location: Gambier, Ohio

Does your institution admit undocumented students?


Do you feel that your institution creates a welcoming and inclusive environment where undocumented students would feel wanted and valued on campus?


When completing the question on the application regarding citizenship, is there an option to select “non-citizen” or “Other (Non-US)” and if not, should they leave the question blank? Is a blank field permitted when completing an online application?

Kenyon College is a Common App member institution and students may select the “Other (Non-US)” option in the citizenship field.

Do you recommend that undocumented students disclose their immigration status in the application, including essays or counselor/teacher recommendations?


For residency and tuition purposes, how does your institution treat undocumented students? (i.e., international, in-state, out-of-state, etc.)


Does your institution offer institutional aid or any type of merit/talent scholarships to undocumented students?


How would an undocumented student apply for need-based aid at your institution? Are they required to complete a CSS Profile or an institutional financial aid application?

International students applying for need-based financial aid will be required to complete both the International Student Financial Aid Application and the Certification of Finances. The ISFAA and Certification of Finances are both free. Students from Canada or Mexico should complete the PROFILE application (Kenyon code 1370) and not the ISFAA and Certification of Finances.

Do you require that students submit a social security number on your admissions application? Can students use zeros to complete this requirement? (i.e., 000-00-0000)

Students can leave this field blank or complete with zeros.

Does your institution offer legal support to help students gain legal status by the time they graduate?


If there is a specific person in the admissions office who is knowledgeable about the issues pertaining to undocumented students and can serve as a resource for students, families and high school counselors, please list his/her information below:

Sonya Dudgeon Broeren
Director of International Admissions
[email protected]