Best Colleges for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

One might assume that a list of Best Colleges for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology would begin or end with “university.” After all, we typically think of large universities possessing the best labs and research facilities in the world of higher education. Yet, as you see from list below, many of the top biochemistry schools are actually small liberal arts colleges such as Grinnell, Reed, Smith, and Wesleyan—schools where opportunities for hands-on research for undergraduates abound. Whether your goal is work as a scientist in the pharmacological, forensics, or genetics fields, all of these colleges and universities will provide you with the knowledge and impressive credentials to launch your career.

Click the links below for more information about each college’s biochemistry program. Click here to read our methodology.

Baylor University

Boston College

Bowdoin College

Brandeis University

Brown University

Case Western Reserve University

Columbia University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Grinnell College

Johns Hopkins University

Middlebury College

Northeastern University

Ohio State University

Princeton University

Reed College

Rice University

Smith College

Stony Brook University (SUNY)

Tufts University

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Davis

University of California, Los Angeles

University of California, Riverside

University of California, San Diego

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

University of Texas at Austin

University of Washington

University of Wisconsin – Madison

Vassar College

Virginia Tech

Wesleyan University

Yale University

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