Best Colleges for Supply Chain Management

A general degree in “business” can be a great launching point for a young person’s career. Yet a degree in supply chain management can truly separate you from the pack, as graduates in this area emerge with unique expertise in the production, shipment, and distribution of products. You’ll even earn a fancy title—logistician. Logisticians are professionals with a background in supply chain management and in a fully-globalized world, they are more in demand than ever before. Small liberal arts schools simply don’t have the resources to offer this major, so the institutions that grace our list of the Best Colleges for Supply Chain Management programs are mostly large universities located in just about every region of the United States.

Click the links below for more information about each college’s supply chain management program. Click here to read our methodology. Finally, note that although some of the colleges featured below do not offer a formal major in supply chain management, their undergraduate offerings in this subject area are so strong that they warrant inclusion on our list.

Arizona State University

Auburn University

Brigham Young University

Carnegie Mellon University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Indiana University

Iowa State University

Lehigh University

Marquette University

Michigan State University

Ohio State University

Penn State University

Purdue University

Rutgers University

Syracuse University

Texas A&M University

Texas Christian University

University of Arkansas

University of Houston

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

University of Maryland

University of Massachusetts

University of Minnesota

University of Pennsylvania

University of South Carolina

University of Tennessee

University of Texas at Austin

University of Washington

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